Choose a subscription plan that is right for your workflow
Subscription includes:
50 documents processed, 100MB max file size
Subscription includes:
100 documents processed, 100MB max file size
Subscription includes:
250 documents processed, 100MB max file size
Our Commitment to Transparency
We want to set clear expectations. That’s why we offer estimated document counts and explain how factors like file size and question complexity can impact the final number. Our goal is to provide a valuable service that meets your needs.
Understanding Estimates and Tokens
Understanding the Estimates:
Think of the document counts (50, 100, 250) as a helpful starting point, not an exact limit.
File Size:
Larger files, like detailed reports or presentations, contain more text. This means our AI might analyze fewer of them within a given plan compared to smaller documents.
Question Complexity:
Simple questions might be answered quickly by skimming the text. Complex questions might require deeper analysis, potentially impacting the number of documents processed.
This is the process of breaking down text into smaller chunks for analysis. Each word, number, or symbol is typically a token.
What are Tokens?
Tokens are the fundamental units our AI uses to understand and process text. They’re not just words, but also punctuation, symbols, and even parts of words. Think of them like puzzle pieces.
How Tokens Influence Analysis:
The more tokens a document has, the more “work” it is for the AI to analyze. If your documents are particularly long or your questions require extensive processing, this can influence how many documents can be analyzed within your chosen plan.